Beauty for Truth’s Sake, by Stratford Caldecott

Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education, by Stratford Caldecott is a little gem of a book.  It is a mere two hundred pages and introduces the reader to the cosmic worldview of the liberal arts, as understood by Pythagoras in Ancient Greece and the theologians of the medieval era.  He maintains that … Continue reading Beauty for Truth’s Sake, by Stratford Caldecott

“I feel I need a holiday, a very long holiday”

Dear readers, The tides of my life are taking new and exciting turns.  Friends, I have made the decision to attend university this Fall 2023.  I will be studying at Tyndale University and pursuing a Bachelor of Arts.  My scholar’s heart is rejoicing. During my studies, I intend to continue this journey through Story on … Continue reading “I feel I need a holiday, a very long holiday”

Why I Will Not Be Writing About “The Rings of Power”

Amazon has now fully released the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.  This is the first cinematic portrayal of J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythology since the release of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies in 2014.  The series has unleashed a torment of reviews, both fiercely positive and … Continue reading Why I Will Not Be Writing About “The Rings of Power”

Newest Additions to My Library (and Fall Academic Plans)

I am a story-lover.  Perhaps that is obvious.  I am also a bibliophile.  Perhaps that also is obvious.  But I am a slow, discerning bibliophile.  Perhaps that is not obvious.  My library grows one book at a time.  Rarely will you see me emerge from a bookshop with more than two under my arm.  But … Continue reading Newest Additions to My Library (and Fall Academic Plans)