Reflections on Translating the New Testament

The following reflection was submitted to Tyndale University for Elementary New Testament Greek, Winter 2024. ~*~ Saint Jerome, by Caravaggio, c. 1605 As I have studied and translated New Testament Greek over the last eight months, I have realised that translation is hardly a straightforward process.  There are moments of marvelous recognition and understanding, and … Continue reading Reflections on Translating the New Testament

English in the Dock: Have, Have, Have & Will, Will, Will

English is an unruly little beast.  Although it boasts borrowed words from over 350 different languages, it has shamefully neglected itself and must often stand trial on charge of its ludicrous inconsistencies.  Nouns mascarade as adjectives, verbs change hats with auxiliary verbs, and the amount and variety of nouns that flirt with verbs is distressing.  … Continue reading English in the Dock: Have, Have, Have & Will, Will, Will