The Lady of Shalott, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Part III & IV)

During the next four months I will be studying “The Lady of Shalott,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The first two posts will feature the complete poem alongside artwork and music. The final two posts will be summaries of my research on the background of the poem, its connection to Arthurian legend (also called the Matter of Britain), … Continue reading The Lady of Shalott, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Part III & IV)

The Lady of Shalott, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Part I & II)

During the next four months I will be studying “The Lady of Shalott,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  The first two posts will feature the complete poem alongside artwork and music.  The final two posts will be summaries of my research on the background of the poem, its connection to Arthurian legend (also called the Matter … Continue reading The Lady of Shalott, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Part I & II)

Reflections on Translating the New Testament

The following reflection was submitted to Tyndale University for Elementary New Testament Greek, Winter 2024. ~*~ Saint Jerome, by Caravaggio, c. 1605 As I have studied and translated New Testament Greek over the last eight months, I have realised that translation is hardly a straightforward process.  There are moments of marvelous recognition and understanding, and … Continue reading Reflections on Translating the New Testament

The Story of Creation in Ovid’s Metamorphoses & Genesis

The following essay was submitted to Tyndale University for Introduction to Literature I, Fall 2023. ~*~ The Creation of the World, Wittenberg Luther Bible, 1534 Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Bible present two accounts of the creation of the world.  At first sight, these two accounts appear very similar.  In both narratives a god brings the … Continue reading The Story of Creation in Ovid’s Metamorphoses & Genesis

Are Unrelatable Characters Boring?

Setanta (Cuchulain) slays the hound of Culain the smith, by Stephen Reid, 1904 The Wordstapas are reading Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  The discussion on Friday evening began with the comment that Sir Gawain’s perfectly virtuous character was annoying and unrelatable.  This raised the question, “Do characters have to be relatable in order to … Continue reading Are Unrelatable Characters Boring?

House of Christmas, by G.K. Chesterton (Christmas 2023)

Flight into Egypt, by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1923 House of Christmasby G.K. Chesterton There fared a mother driven forthOut of an inn to roam;In the place where she was homelessAll men are at home.The crazy stable close at hand,With shaking timber and shifting sand,Grew a stronger thing to abide and standThan the square stones of … Continue reading House of Christmas, by G.K. Chesterton (Christmas 2023)

The Pilgrims, by John McCrae (Remembrance Day 2023)

Gassed, by John Singer Sargent, 1919 The Pilgrimsby John McCrae An uphill path, sun-gleams between the showers,    Where every beam that broke the leaden skyLit other hills with fairer ways than ours;    Some clustered graves where half our memories lie;And one grim Shadow creeping ever nigh:        And this was Life. Wherein we did another's burden … Continue reading The Pilgrims, by John McCrae (Remembrance Day 2023)

Beauty for Truth’s Sake, by Stratford Caldecott

Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education, by Stratford Caldecott is a little gem of a book.  It is a mere two hundred pages and introduces the reader to the cosmic worldview of the liberal arts, as understood by Pythagoras in Ancient Greece and the theologians of the medieval era.  He maintains that … Continue reading Beauty for Truth’s Sake, by Stratford Caldecott